The Final Conference of the project was held on the premises of the European Economic and Social Committee in September 6th , 2018. The conference was organized by the partner EfVET and had as motto "The role of training in accessibility in the tourism sector".
During the event, the Coordinator presented the training module on Accessible Tourism, the resources and the online platform, developed throughout the project.
A panel discussion was held on "The situation of citizens with disabilities in the European Union". This panel was composed of Helga Stevens, Member of the European Parliament ECR; Blandine Bouniol, from the organization Humanity & Inclusion; Frank Sioen from ENIL (European Network of Independent Living); Immaculada Placencia Porrero, European Commission (DG-EMPL, Unit for Disability and Inclusion); Madi Sharma, representative of the Permanent Study Group on Disability Rights (EESC); Alba Gonzalez, from the CBM International organization and Dorothea Mockel, project partner, as moderator.
The opinions and testimonies presented have revealed that there is still much to do in the scope of Accessible Tourism. This is no longer a niche market, but a business opportunity, whereby well-trained technicians will provide more and better services.
Final Conference

The fourth transnational meeting occurred in Brussels, in September 5th and 6th , 2018.
The host was EfVET and all the partners were present.
The main objectives of this meeting were:
• presentation of the pilot testing results;
• discussion on the improvements to be introduced after the pilot testing;
• debate about the exploitation and sustainability opportunities;
• preliminary analysis of the Final Publication "Promoting Accessible Tourism for all people”;
• analysis of the multiplier events carried out.
All the partners gave important contributions to the improvement of the materials and resources produced.
The partnership was very pleased with the final products.
4th Transnational Meeting

The third transnational meeting of the project took place in Palermo, in January 23rd and 24th , 2018.
The host was CSC Danilo Dolci and all the partners were present.
The main objectives of this meeting were:
• presentation and discussion of the modules and resources produced;
• analysis and discussion of the Trainer’s Guidelines;
• analysis of the contributions given by the stakeholders;
• presentation of the guiding lines to the execution of the pilot testing;
• analysis and definition of the exploitation plans and sustainability of the project;
• outline of the Final Publication "Promoting Accessible Tourism for all people.
All partners were very pleased with the development of the project.
3rd Transnational Meeting

The second Transnational Meeting was held in Germany in the 4th and 5th of May.
The host was IHK and all partners were present.
The main aims of the meeting were:
• discuss the initial findings of the analysis already performed;
• present the conclusions of an in-depth analysis performed in partners’ countries based on surveys, interviews and focus groups;
• get inspiration from existing practices on accessible tourism;
• analyse other VET offers in the sector that can be similar to the module that the project aims to develop.
After the analysis the partners prepared and approved the curricula structure with the objectives and contents.
All partners were quite pleased with the work done and they agreed on the next steps to keep the project flowing smoothly.
2nd Transnational Meeting

The first Transnational Meeting was held in Portugal in November the 24th and 25th of 2016.
The host was CEPROF as the coordinator of the project.
The partners presented their institutions and went through the most important points of the project: the objectives, target-groups, intellectual outputs and key results, multiplier events, project management, dissemination and exploitation activities and monitoring and evaluation of the project.
The logo of the project was also approved by the partners and the most critical decisions were made at this meeting to allow the development of the first output according to a timetable agreed by the participants.
It was a very important moment for the beginning of the project, because it allowed the partners to work close together face to face.