The Project

The project Development of curricula on Accessible Tourism for VET Tourism Courses (TOUR4ALL) is founded by the ERASMUS+ Programme and aims at developing a module on Accessible Tourism for VET students, teachers, and Tourism professionals. Better trained human resources will provide better services and the tourism sector and society will benefit from it. At the end of the project, the survey and the module will be freely available in an online platform.

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CEPROF is coordinator of the European Project TOUR4ALL, which will be developed in two years from October 2016 to September 2018.
The project will be developed by nine partners from six different countries: Portugal (CEPROF, Ovar Forma and INOVA+ , Germany (IHKPG), Belgium (EfVET), Italy( CSC and META Foundation), Spain (STEP) and Lithuania (LZNS).
The overall aim of the project is to produce a training module on Accessible Tourism for Tourism Professionals.

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Project outcomes

Benchmarking: implementing desk based work on available Accessible Tourism training.
Analytical activities: carrying out a European survey and data collection activity on the needs of Accessible Tourism and identifying good practice.
Training activities: developing a training module on Accessible Tourism to be used by any EU Member-States.
Mutual learning, exchange of good practices, cooperation: promoting good practice of training at a European level and changing the perception towards people with special needs in the Tourism sector.

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You are on the Tour4All project website - "TOUR4ALL - Development of curricula on Accessible Tourism for VET Tourism Courses"
Project no: 2016-1-PT01-KA202-022826
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.